Understanding Fused Quartz and Fused Silica

Fused quartz and fused silica both are forms of glass that are often made up of silica in its non-crystalline structure. They are made using many different methods. The quartz produced by heating the material to its melting position and quickly cooling it which is called splat-quenching or melt-quenching, these are referred to as transparent. When quartz crystals remain to be used for fused quartz, it has been noticed that when crystalline silica appears in gravel or rock, it can also create fused quartz or synthetic fused silica.

Fused Quartz Vs. Fused Silica: 

In the starting, it is important to understand the difference between fused quartz and fused silica, which are usually confusing for many people. These elements are formed through different processes at diverse expenses, using several components. They also differ in properties. Fused quartz is prepared by combining powdered crystal quartz in a hydrogen-oxygen flame. It is produced to different purity specifications for certain particular uses. Fused silica is an artificial amorphous substance created utilizing either flame or vapor form hydrolysis of silicon halide. 

Fused Quartz Properties: 

Fused quartz is performed at a pretty high value due to the problem in finding the components and also because of the process. The fundamental and exceptional properties of fused quartz are significant chemical resistance, very high purity, extremely low thermal expansion, and extraordinary optical transmission properties. Because of these properties, it is extremely in demand in the semiconductor and the fiber optics applications. Fused quartz also represents outstanding elasticity, extraordinary compressive power and strength to continue stable beneath high temperatures, high thermal shock stability and low conductivity, high resistivity and excellent dielectric strength. Because of its high cleanliness, rigidity, high electrical strength, thermal stability, and special wavelength transmission, this material is extremely helpful in the semiconductor industry. The performance and characteristic of a majority of fused quartz commodities are reliant on the purity level of the material.


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